Infrastructure as a Service


286 Courses


Distribution of HashiCorp Packer templated Virtual Machines


Automated Testing of Packer Templates with Kitchen Terraform


Simplify Virtual Machine templates with HashiCorp Packer for any Cloud


Automate Virtual Machine Templates with Packer for Azure


VMWare Templates with terraform and cloud-init


Terraform Cloud dynamic workspaces


Automated VMWare Templates with HashiCorp Packer revised


Automated VMWare Templates with HashiCorp Packer


Traefik and HashiCorp Consul with terraform


Cooking some "Mitaka" flavoured OpenStack on your local machine


Infrastructure with Virtualization


Virtualization Basics


Deploying Openstack with Mirantis Fuel 5.1


Deploying Openstack with Rackspace Private Cloud (RPC)


Deploying Openstack with RDO Packstack


Deploying Openstack with Stackforge Chef-Server Style


Deploying Openstack with Stackforge Chef-Zero Style


SUSECloud Part 4 - I have A (SUSE) OpenStack Cloud, Now What?


SUSECloud Part 3 Creating A Gateway Server For The Multinode OpenStack Environment


SUSECloud Part 2 Install The OpenStack Services And Ceph On the Multinode Environment Command Line Style


SUSECloud Part 2 Install The OpenStack Services And Ceph On the Multinode Environment Point And Click Style


Howto Create A Minimal Viable OpenStack Deployment With Devstack In Your Local LAN


SUSECloud Part 1 - Install The Multi Node OpenStack/Ceph Environment

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