


Kestra Overview: The Power of Declarative Data Orchestration

In an era where data is increasingly becoming the backbone of many industries, the need for efficient data management and orchestration has never been more

Enhancing GitHub Security: Leveraging Mondoo for Vulnerability Detection in GitHub

As the world's leading platform for software development and collaboration, GitHub sees millions of new repositories created every day. While this rapid growth

Transformation of Testing Landscape in modern Telecommunication

Transformation of Testing Landscape in modern Telecommunication Since 2015, Infralovers has played a key role in driving the transformation of the test

Revolutionizing Automation Processes for a Pan-European Bank

Revolutionizing Automation Processes for a Pan-European Bank In the span of 8 months in 2023, Infralovers played a important supporting role in the

Changelog Automation with GitHub Actions

Changelog Automation with GitHub Actions The connection between human emotions and the next version number of a project can lead to unwanted outcomes. As

Agile Testing mit Ruby und Cucumber

Facts: Training: Agile Testing mit Ruby und Cucumber Location: Online Teilnehmeranzahl: 8 Vier Tage Training rund um Ruby, Cucumber,

Changelog Automation within Gitlab

Changelog Automation within Gitlab As a developer it is not your favorite duty to write changelogs according to the tagging which was done in a code repository.

Agile Testing CI/CD Bootcamp

Run your tests on autopilot with CI/CD pipelines.

Agile Testing Essentials with Python

Hands-on exercises will give you the expertise you need to automate your tests with Python and Behave.

Agile Testing Essentials with Ruby

Hands-on exercises will give you the expertise you need to automate your tests with Cucumber and Ruby.

GitLab Essentials

Collaborate and ship your code faster with Git and GitLab.

Terraform with Terratest in Gitlab Pipeline

Terraform with terratest in Gitlab pipeline With terraform Cloud and terraform Enterprise you are enabled now to us your custom modules in a way that all in

CI/CD with Jenkins, Spinnaker and CircleCI

Introduction Continuous integration and continuous deployment help you to avoid mistakes and safe time. That is why we have collected blog posts about Jenkins,

Posts about different CI/CD tools

Introduction Jenkins, Spinnaker, CircleCI are just some of the Continuous Integration / Continuous Development tools. MPL - Modular Pipeline Library The modular

Ruby is one of the most spread Programming Languages

Introduction Ruby is one of our favourite programming languages. That's why we have collected some blog posts with tips and tricks about Ruby. What is A Matrix

CI/CD with CircleCI, Jenkins and Spinnaker

CircleCI Tools for effective pairing I have done somewhere in the range of 150 phone screens this year. Doubling your engineering organization means talking to

Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment

Continuous Integration(CI) Is the practice, in software engineering, of merging all developer working copies Its main goal is to prevent problems when merging

Advanced testing tools and development techniques

What is Testing? Testing can be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a computer program/application/product works as expected How people used

OpenStack in modern telecommunication

OpenStack in modern telecommunication 2015 to 2016, Infralovers helped one of Germany's leading telecommunications giants to decide on the perfect solutions to

Transforming Workflows at ARZ

Transforming Workflows at ARZ From 2018 to 2019, Infralovers, played a pivotal role in transforming the approach to infrastructure and code for ARZ, fostering a

Integration Testing Infrastructure As Code With Chef, Puppet, And KitchenCI

At the beginning of May 2014 I started contributing to a great new OpenSource project sponsored by Deutsche Telekom. The Hardening Framework. One of the

Using Test Kitchen And Puppet On OpenStack

This is a followup article to Using Test Kitchen With Puppet. This time we want to run our tests against an Openstack deployment. You can follow my article

Using Test Kitchen With Puppet

From the homepage: Your infrastructure deserves tests too. So lets write some integration test for our puppet code. We will use a super simple puppet

Transforming Banking Infrastructure for an European Bank

Transforming Banking Infrastructure for an European Bank From 2013 to 2019, Infralovers played a pivotal role in training the staff of an european Bank and

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