



Automating Cloud Security with HashiCorp Terraform and Vault

In today's cloud-centric world, managing infrastructure while ensuring security is paramount. HashiCorp provides two powerful tools—Terraform and Vault—that

Introduction to HashiCorp Boundary and HashiCorp Vault with AWS

Ensuring Access Control and Secrets Management with HashiCorp Boundary and Vault in HCP and AWS Ensuring access controls and secrets management is critical in

Expanding Terraform's Horizons: The Call for Custom Functions

Terraform functions have become a cornerstone in managing infrastructure as code. These built-in functions empower developers to manipulate data, perform

HashiCorp Packer Golden Image testing with custom mondoo policies

Why another article on that topic? We were already talking about mondoo in a previous article. Mondoo is brought to you by the team who gave you InSpec and the

Sources of Secrets for HashiCorp Vault

Secrets Distribution The problem domain of secrets distribution is a common one. You have a secret, you want to distribute it to a service, and you want to

Authenticate Gitlab to access secrets from HashiCorp Vault

Secrets Distribution The problem domain of secrets distribution is a common one. You have a secret, you want to distribute to a service, and you want to

Authenticate Terraform Cloud to access secrets from HashiCorp Vault

Secrets Distribution The problem domain of secrets distribution is a common one. You have a secret, you want to distribute it to a service, and you want to

HashiCorp Vault GitHub Secrets Sync with Terraform

Secrets Distribution The problem domain of secrets distribution is a common one. You have a secret, you want to distribute to a service, and you want to

HashiCorp Packer and HCP Packer Release Channels

Within our previous posts about HashiCorp Packer we have shown how to build images for AWS and Azure using Packer. In this article we will add something we

HashiCorp Packer with Ansible and HashiCorp Vault as Secrets Store

Securing secrets is a crucial part of any infrastructure. In this article we will show how to use HashiCorp Vault as a secrets store for HashiCorp Packer in

Driving Innovation: Transformation with OpenStack, Kubernetes, and Chef

Driving Innovation: Transformation with OpenStack, Kubernetes, and Chef For the span of 1.5 years, Infralovers collaborated with this client, a global

The new HashiCorp Waypoint

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, organizations face the challenge of delivering applications consistently across various platforms and

HashiCorp Vault ACME Configuration by terraform

Starting with version 1.14.0, the Vault PKI secrets engine supports the Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) specification for issuing and

Revolutionizing Automation Processes for a Pan-European Bank

Revolutionizing Automation Processes for a Pan-European Bank In the span of 8 months in 2023, Infralovers played a important supporting role in the

A Journey with Terraform and Chef Infra

A Journey with Terraform and Chef Infra with a locistics company From 2017 to 2023, Infralovers worked with this international logistics client, a leading

Blue/Green Deployments with HashiCorp Nomad and Waypoint

What is HashiCorp Nomad? HashiCorp Nomad is not only a lightweight alternative to Kubernetes. It's simple to use, easy to setup and very scalable. I use it on

Empowering Expertise: HashiCorp

Empowering Expertise: HashiCorp Since 2022, Infralovers, played a crucial role in the expansion of training opportunities for HashiCorp, contributing to its

Distribution of HashiCorp Packer templated Virtual Machines

Distribution of HashiCorp Packer templated Virtual Machines After creating our virtual machine templates in multiple clouds, having tested them and validated

Automated Testing of Packer Templates with Kitchen Terraform

Automated Testing of Packer Templates with Kitchen Terraform In the latest posting about HashiCorp Packer, we created a Packer template that was able to create

Automation Initiative with Ansible and Terraform Integration

Automation Initiative with Ansible and Terraform Integration In a dynamic collaboration, Infralovers helped persue an automation initiative at a global player

HashiCorp Terraform Testing

HashiCorp Terraform Testing In a one-month collaboration in 2021, Infralovers provided tailored training for an international fashion brand, leveraging

HashiCorp Vault SSH Authentication with Signed Public Keys

HashiCorp Vault SSH Authentication In the last HashiCorp Vault post we described a way to configure Vault and also our Infrastructure to use the One Time

mondoo.io with HashiCorp Packer in Gitlab CICD

What is mondoo mondoo is brought to you by the team who gave you InSpec and the DevSec Project with a passion to make IT operations human readable and

HashiCorp Vault setup SSH Authentication with Ansible and Terraform

Most HashiCorp Vault tutorials - even those from HashiCorp - use the commandline tools or even just curl to configure HashiCorp Vault. But do we want to use

Terraform Cloud dynamic workspaces

Dynamic Workspaces with Hashicorp Terraform Cloud and Terraform Enterprise At the time of writing this article ( terraform 0.14 ) providers cannot have

Revolutionizing IT Infrastructure for a Global Energy Drink Manufacturer

Revolutionizing IT Infrastructure for a Global Energy Drink Manufacturer For six years, Infralovers played a pivotal consulting role in the extensive

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