



Github Actions locally with act

GitHub Actions is a powerful automation platform that allows developers to create and manage CI/CD pipelines (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment)

Blue/Green Deployments with HashiCorp Nomad and Waypoint

What is HashiCorp Nomad? HashiCorp Nomad is not only a lightweight alternative to Kubernetes. It's simple to use, easy to setup and very scalable. I use it on

Changelog Automation with GitHub Actions

Changelog Automation with GitHub Actions The connection between human emotions and the next version number of a project can lead to unwanted outcomes. As

Changelog Automation within Gitlab

Changelog Automation within Gitlab As a developer it is not your favorite duty to write changelogs according to the tagging which was done in a code repository.

Terraform with Terratest in Gitlab Pipeline

Terraform with terratest in Gitlab pipeline With terraform Cloud and terraform Enterprise you are enabled now to us your custom modules in a way that all in

An Introduction to DevOps

Nowadays the term DevOps is spreading rapidly all over the world. That is why we want to give you an introduction to DevOps, define the term, inform you about

Womenintech Part 4: Continuous Delivery Of A Static Web Page With Jekyll, GitLab And AWS

As a new project, I was assigned the task to automate internal processes for our website deployment and to implement some features. Therefore, I had to deal

Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment

Continuous Integration(CI) Is the practice, in software engineering, of merging all developer working copies Its main goal is to prevent problems when merging

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