The AI Revolution Continues: Key Developments You Need to Know in 2025
It’s no surprise that artificial intelligence continues to dominate headlines, with new breakthroughs, tools, and regulations shaping the way we interact with
As a developer it is not your favorite duty to write changelogs according to the tagging which was done in a code repository. So the best idea is to automate the process of updating changelogs based on the commit messages which ( should ) already describe what changes came into the repo since the last merge into master or tagging a version.
For this you can use semantic releases.
semantic-release automates the whole package release workflow including: determining the next version number, generating the release notes and publishing the package.
This removes the immediate connection between human emotions and version numbers, strictly following the Semantic Versioning specification.
This process can now be used for terraform modules, chef cookbooks or any other software releasing process.
semantic-release uses the commit messages to determine the type of changes in the codebase. Following formalized conventions for commit messages, semantic-release automatically determines the next semantic version number, generates a changelog and publishes the release.
By default semantic-release uses Angular Commit Message Conventions. The commit message format can be changed with the preset or config options Tools such as commitizen or commitlint can be used to help contributors and enforce valid commit messages. Here is an example of the release type that will be done based on a commit messages:
{:class="table table-bordered"}
Commit message | Release type |
feat(next-version): add configuration options for accounting | Feature Release |
fix(accounting): accounting configuration options bug fixxes #1234 | Patch Release |
refactor(accounting): removing accounting configuration BREAKING CHANGE: Configuration options removed for accounting | Breaking Change |
In some implementation of semantic releases it is also possible to customize those flags. In our current example we chose go-semrel-gitlab which supports this adaptions, but it is not used in any of our setups right now.
Within our upcoming pipeline we gonne use 3 stages: version, build and release. The release stage should only run when running in master.
In our initial step a version estimation is done and stored into an artifact .next-version. This file is restored on the next runs to reuse its content for stamping your binary with this build information. In our example we just generate another artifact build_info which holds some sample data to inspire you what can be done and used for your application workflow.
The git fetch --tags
is only mandatory on gitlab because of this issue within gitlab runner which does not fetch this information on creation.
2 stage: version
3 image:
4 script:
5 - git fetch --tags
6 - release next-version --bump-patch > .next-version
7 artifacts:
8 paths:
9 - .next-version
10 except:
11 - tags
At the building step you can now use the information to stamp your application with the correct version number, commit sha and build job information.
2 stage: build
3 script:
4 - echo "some artifact using version " > artifact
5 - cat .next-version >> artifact
6 - echo "RELEASE_URL=$CI_PROJECT_ID/jobs/$CI_JOB_ID/artifacts/release" > build_info
7 - echo "RELEASE_DESC=\"$(uname -mo) binary\"" >> build_info
8 - echo "RELEASE_SHA=$CI_COMMIT_SHA" >> build_info
9 - echo "RELEASE_VERSION=$(<.next-version)" >> build_info
10 artifacts:
11 paths:
12 - build_info
13 - artifact
14 except:
15 - tags
Now we are within the most relevant part of this blog post - generating version tags and update the changelog with some auto-magic. If we are using this workflow on code which does not produce a binary output which can/must be stamped we could also skip the previous build steps from this post and only add this last one.
In this sample we rename the build information artifact as release information, then generate an updated changelog about the latest changes and afterwards commit our changed and tag those with the automaically generated version. As a bonus step also a download link for the current release is generated within gitlab.
For some use cases you might also want to update some meta information files ( e.g. metadata.rb on chef cookbooks ) and commit those changes with the changelog.
2 stage: release
3 image:
4 script:
5 - git fetch --tags
7 - rm -f release_info
8 - mv build_info release_info
9 - . release_info
11 - echo -n "update version information v$RELEASE_VERSION ..."
13 - release changelog
14 - release commit-and-tag release_info
15 - release --ci-commit-tag v$RELEASE_VERSION add-download-link --name release --url $RELEASE_URL --description "$RELEASE_DESC"
16 only:
17 - master
When you start a fresh project or at least start with fresh changelog you are perfect fine now. But if you already got a changelog within your code repository you need to adapt it and add a line into the markdown:
1 <!--- next entry here -->
With this marker the automation is able to find the insertion of the changes. You must review the used implementation how this marker is named.
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