The AI Revolution Continues: Key Developments You Need to Know in 2025
It’s no surprise that artificial intelligence continues to dominate headlines, with new breakthroughs, tools, and regulations shaping the way we interact with
Habitat 0.25.0 Released
We are happy to announce the release of Habitat 0.25.0. We have a number of new features as well as bug fixes, so please read on for all the details. If you just want the binaries, head on...
Habitat boshrelease
So you have familiarized your self with habitat but your tired of spinning up docker containers manually and just want to use bosh to handle it all? Well that's why I have build a generic...
Builder: Habitat Build Service - Chef Blog
When we launched Habitat last June we also announced that we had begun development of a build service which, in conjunction with the Habitat Supervisor, would round out our vision for the...
Habitat - Automation That Travels with the App
Habitat - Automation that travels with the app. Habitat allows any app to be independent of any particular infrastructure environment, like containers or PaaS.
Scaffolding: Build and package apps - Chef Blog
"The best plan is to barely have one at all." - Ancient Habitat proverb Over the past several months we've been working on a feature of the build system that focuses on developers which...
Multi-Service Supervision in Habitat - Chef Blog
Those of you that have been following along with our regular Habitat release cadence might have noticed a couple of pretty big features dropped last week with version 0.20.0. In fact, one...
InSpec, Habitat, and Continuous Compliance - Chef Blog
In my last post, I talked about some of the benefits of containers, how containers can complicate compliance requirements, and how InSpec can help. InSpec provides a human-readable...
What Can You Do With Habitat Today? - Chef Blog
What if you could build software once and run it (almost) anywhere? Whether on a bare metal server, a virtual machine, or in a container? What if you could move a legacy application into...
Infracoders Graz Hands-On: Habitat
Michael Ducy, Director of Product Marketing at Chef demonstrated in this hands-on session how Habitat helps to simplify the processes required to build, deploy, and manage applications and...
Infracoders Graz Meetup: Habitat
The time has passed quickly and our third Infracoders Meetup in 2017 took place on the 27th of June in the Aula X Space, Graz. Although the hot temperatures outside about 15 Infracoders...
Chef Habitat Addresses the Many Complexities of Moving...
While great for development, containers introduce a range of new configuration complexities when pushed into production, so argues IT automation software provider Chef. To this end, the...
Use Shield to backup and restore Redis in Habitat
In a recent blog post I briefly discussed how to build, export and run a service packaged via a Habitat plan. In this post we will take a look at running Redis and backing it up via Shield....
Running Habitat Supervisors on top of Kubernetes - Container...
In the last two months, I've worked together with Chef to evaluate Habitat from a cloud native developer perspective. This is the second blog in a series of three where I'll share my...
hedge-ops | Why Habitat?
I started my career as a software engineer, and I always love creating a new application and seeing the magic of that application being deployed to productio...
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