The AI Revolution Continues: Key Developments You Need to Know in 2025
It’s no surprise that artificial intelligence continues to dominate headlines, with new breakthroughs, tools, and regulations shaping the way we interact with
An Overview of Docker Registries - via @codeship
UPDATE: With January 1st, 2017 we rebranded our hosted CI Platform for Docker from "Jet" to what is now known as "Codeship Pro". Please be aware that the name "Jet" is only being used four our local development CLI tool.
Delivery Pipelines with Test Kitchen, Chef and Docker
We have been using Chef for configuration management at SB&G for a good while now, making heavy use of Test Kitchen for testing our cookbooks with Jenkins, Docker containers and ServerSpec. These cookbooks also serve as local development environments.
moby - Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
docker-bench-security - The Docker Bench for Security is a script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production.
swarmkit - A toolkit for orchestrating distributed systems at any scale. It includes primitives for node discovery, raft-based consensus, task scheduling and more.
Merge pull request #1914 from hashicorp/vault · docker-library/official-images@884a85d
official-images - Primary source of truth for the Docker "Official Images" program
cis-docker-benchmark - CIS Docker Benchmark - InSpec Profile
docker-kubernetes-tls-guide - Step by step guide on how to secure Docker and Kubernetes using TLS with CloudFlare's CFSSL
docker-pipeline - CI/CD Pipeline using plain Docker
docker_nano_host - Sample cookbook for configuring a docker host on Windows Nano
dockerfy - Dockerfy your applications easily. Inject secrets and environment vars into config files. Reap Zombies. Wait for dependancies to become available. Run services inside your containers
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